Brazilian Portuguese Female Voice Over Artist Carol L

Voice details

Blumenau, Brazil


30s, 40s

Brazilian Portuguese (Native) , American English

Approachable, Bright, Character, Children, Confident, Conversational, Cool, Corporate, Engaging, Friendly, Natural, Sarcastic, Smooth, Soft, Upbeat, Warm

Animation, Character, Commercial, Corporate, E-Learning, Explainer, IVR or Phone Messaging, Narration, Training, Video Game


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Voice profile

Voice reels

Carol_Lapolli - Commercial_2.mp3


Outspoken_Carol Lapolli.mp3


Experience and equipment

Experience: 25 years

Microphone: AKG414ULS

Editing software: Reaper

Audio equipment: INterface: Focusrite Headphones: KRK KNS 6402