Mandarin Female Voice Over Artist Sam Y

Voice details

Subang Jaya, Malaysia


TEENS, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s

Mandarin (Native) , British English , Malay

Approachable, Bright, Bubbly, Character, Children, Confident, Conversational, Energetic, Engaging, Friendly, Natural, Soft, Upbeat, Versatile, Warm, Young

Animation, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Educational, E-Learning, Explainer, IVR or Phone Messaging, Narration, Training, Video Game

Transatlantic-Asian (most natural) Chinese Malaysian / Singaporean (native) Japanese British American (with a tinge of Oriental flavour)


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Voice profile

I'm a Chinese Malaysian voice actor with remote recording capabilities via Source Connect, Zoom, Google Meet etc. My forte includes: 1. Narration - clients have describe my conversational approach as 'stress-free and pleasant to listen to', which is perfect for their corporate videos. My youthful, sensual voice lends itself well too to intimate narrations. 2. Children eLearning - thanks to my ability to voice an expressive child and a friendly teacher with good articulation. 3. Commercial - I often use my unique international accent with a conversational approach, answering the demand of present day VO industry for a diverse representation. 4. Video Game - I've been cast in an increasing number of games in the past year thanks to my unique accent and a wide range of emotional portrayals and vocal prints. 5. Audio Drama - table reads are fun and performance is always grounded and natural, and my first ever voice acting job was for an audio drama.

Voice reels

SamY EN Commercial Demo.mp3




SamY EN Commercial Rexona Transatlantic....mp3


SamY EN Narration Demo.mp3


SamY EN Video Game Demo.mp3


SamY Malay Character Honor of Kings.mp3


SamY Malay IVR.mp3


SamY Mandarin Commercial Watsons.mp3


SamY Mandarin Narration.mp3


SamY Spanish Narration Escuela Catolica.mp3


Experience and equipment

Experience: 4 years

Microphone: Warm Audio W-87 R2, Franken SM-1

Editing software: Studio One

Audio equipment: Motu M2 Interface, Warm Audio and Mogami Gold cables, Home Studio: Acoustically treated with high-grade foam, Producer's Choice blankets, and Rockwool panels